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Complete Guide to Your VOdds 2.0 Dashboard | See What’s New

When you log in to our VOdds sports trading platform, the main page or interface that you’ll see is your dashboard.

Complete Guide to Your VOdds 2.0 Dashboard | See What’s New

When you log in to our VOdds sports trading platform, the main page or interface that you’ll see is your dashboard. 

It is the greatest tool for sports bettors of all experience levels to stay on top of their trades. And as one of the top online betting sites, it stays true to providing you with everything you need in one place so you can start betting right away.

So make sure you know all about its updated look by reading this ultimate guide for our Asian betting platform dashboard. Jump to specific topics by clicking the links below:

Credit Bar

The Credit Bar is still placed at the top right corner of your VOdds dashboard. However, the labels are now shortened and aligned to the numbers for easier reading.

  • Currency shows either EUR (€) or GBP (£).
  • Credit shows your available account balance.
  • Unrealized Profit and Loss (UPL) shows how much profit or loss could be realized if the position were closed at the time. The Profit/Loss does not become realized until the position is closed.
  • Maximum Potential Loss (MPL) shows the estimated loss for a closed position.
  • Margin shows the credit that VOdds deducts from your credit when you open a Positional Order.
  • Profit/Loss shows the total amount of winnings and losses.
  • Outstanding Amount shows the total stake of all Normal Unsettled Orders and Future Normal Orders.
  • Odd Format shows either Europe or Hong Kong odds

How to show/hide Credit Bar?

Simply click the Credit Bar for it to expand or collapse. You can also click the inverted triangle beside Odd Format to tick which details you want to see in the Credit Bar.

Other Features on Navigation Bar 

The navigation bar has also undergone a few icon enhancements. The wallet and announcement icons are different from before. Get familiar with each of the icons here:

  1. Football matches and odds.
  2. Tennis matches and odds.
  3. Basketball matches and odds.
  4. The Wallet icon is where you submit a deposit or withdrawal request. Read our guide on how to deposit/withdraw to find out more.
  5. The Help Button icon will redirect you to our FAQ page.
  6. The Account Settings icon is where you update your account information and other trading preferences. Learn how to manage your account here.
  7. The Announcements icon shows  you our latest promotions and platform updates.
  8. The Light Settings icon is where you can switch between light and dark mode.
  9. The Language Settings icon is where you can change the language to either English, Chinese, or Russian.

Odds Panel

VOdds strives to give all the data you’ll need to win without overwhelming you. That’s why the Odds Panel now only shows the best lines and odds for each event.

Once you find an event you want to bet on, simply click on it to see the best lines for Full-time (FT) and Half-time (HT). Other available odds will be shown if you select the main line for each betting market.

Click on your chosen price to open the Order Ticket. For more information on how to place order tickets in our dashboard, please read our Normal, Positional, and Future Order betting guide.

How to sort the matches and odds?

We have rearranged the football matches to be neatly organized. There are also now six ways to sort the details on the Odds panel.

  1. The Favourite tab displays games and odds you marked as favourites. To add or remove a game from this list, click the star beside a specific event/match.
  2. The Live tab displays live events/matches with live betting odds available.
  3. The Today tab displays games scheduled today.
  4. The Early tab displays the odds for upcoming games.
  5. The Market drop-down menu to view other Special Markets available and the Watchlists you have created.
  6. The Search Bar displays games and odds based on the keyword you entered. Choose whether to include it in the Favourite tab or a specific Watchlist.

For instructions on how to create your Watch List, please follow our detailed guide here.

Order List

The Order List is the panel at the bottom of your sports betting dashboard. It has been minimized to make it concise and easier to read.

It displays all the settled and unsettled orders that you have placed on VOdds. You can filter orders by All, Normal Orders, and Positional Orders tabs or by inputting the ID, league, or team name on the search bar.

Unlike before, we remove the tab for Future Order. Instead, it’s now included on both the Normal and Future Orders tabs. Simply look at the “Good Till” column to identify which bets are Future Orders.

Adjust the height by clicking on the three default view buttons on the left or dragging the panel up and down. It’s also collapsible so you can hide the panel fully if that’s what works for you.

Order List Actions

For convenience, the Order List has a few key features to help you view details and take action on your orders.

  1. The View Bet List button shows the full bet details of your order.
  2. The Close Positional Order button closes your Positional Order when clicked. Otherwise, VOdds will automatically close your Positional Order 5 minutes before the scheduled game kick-off time.
  3. The Actualize Position button closes a Positional Order.
  4. The Order Log button shows the full order process and all actions taken for an order.
  5. The View Forecast Grid button shows the Asian handicap odds table per HDP game.

Can we help you with anything else?

Grow your sports betting knowledge using VOdds’ online sports betting guides. Please contact us if you have any other concerns we haven’t addressed.

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