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How to Bet on Sports

Best Books to Sharpen your Sports Betting Skills

Bettors should continuously look for new ways to further develop their skills. One of the ways to enhance your sports betting skills is to read books. Reading books that are related to the field you want to improve on will definitely give you far greater knowledge.

Best Books to Sharpen your Sports Betting Skills

Bettors should continuously look for new ways to further develop their skills. One of the ways to enhance your sports betting skills is to read books. Reading books that are related to the field you want to improve on will definitely give you far greater knowledge. It will also help you get to know yourself better and determine if you have what it takes to be a successful bettor.

Trying to learn the ups and downs of sports betting? Check out Sports Betting: the Good and the Bad.

There’s always more to learn about the concept and the more advanced mechanics on sports betting.

Sports Betting Books You Don’t Want to Miss

Sharp Sports Betting by Stanford Wong   

This book discussed the many features of betting and it’s definitely worth the read. It covers a wide range of different wagering techniques. In order to fully grasp the things discussed in the book, a solid knowledge and understanding of mathematics is required. The book also contains a few sample problems and solutions that will help put a lot of the techniques stated into perspective.

The Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver

This book by Nate Silver isn’t really about betting strategies but its content is definitely worthy of inclusion. It provides a very thought-provoking point of view at the importance of having a predictive ability, which is a skill that is extremely beneficial when betting on sports.

Market Wizards: Interviews with top traders by Jack D. Schwager

Considered as one of the finest books on trading, this book is a series of interviews from different kinds of bettors. It provides an insight and understanding into the minds of top traders and gives the reader an idea on what it takes to be successful in the field. It discusses the important of discipline and developing a strategy that suits you.

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How to Find a Black Cat in a Coal Cellar: The truth about sports tipsters by Joseph Buchdal

This book offers an in-depth analysis on the records of tipsters. It involves a s lot of mathematical and scientific depth that will enhance your skills in analysing betting tips and odds. In this book, the reader will be able to conclude what it takes to be a good tipster and deciding the value of a tipster. It also discusses the difference between having skills and luck when betting. This book is perfect for bettors who want guides from a professional tipster.

Football Fortunes by William Hunter

Football Fortunes contains a lot of expert advices that caters to both beginners and experienced bettors. This book begins with the basics of result predictions and the rule of probability and odds. It also covers comprehensive explanations of different staking strategies on football betting. The reader will also gain some knowledge as the book delves into the history of football betting.

There’s always a lot of rooms for improvement. Take some time to read these books and you might find yourself winning lots of bets before you know it! Log in to your VOdds account and start betting on the best online sports odds in the market, or register if you don’t have an account yet.

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